• H O M E
  • A B O U T
  • S U P P O R T
  • C O N T A C T

June, 2021



Scarborough was a tour that was set up by Surfing England to take in surf schools and lifeguards on the Northeast coast.

The whole idea was to help the lifeguards and clubs understand what help they could give in assistance for disabled surfers of all kinds, when transferring from land to water and offering help in the water whether it be pushing and catching of waves, wave selection, or as mentioned literally helping into the sea from the beach chair.

We took in a number of clubs from Scarborough to Bamburgh. The support was fantastic, and we also had schools come down and get in the water. It gave the students a sense of freedom away from their life in a wheelchair. The surf was pretty Chunky in South-shields, and I got a bit of a pummelling. But I was supported throughout by the surf school.

We also took in some beautiful sights along the way and watched England beat Germany in the Euros. We all suffer the pain and frustration of watching England playing and it was great to see it in another part of the country. I then caught the train back from Newcastle.